About Us

Welcome to Feabie, the next generation social network and online community for men and women into feederism, fat admiring and all things big!

This is a site for men and women of a similar mindset—that bigger is, most often, better. It’s a site for all the guys who spent their childhoods stuffing pillows under their shirts and the girls who couldn’t stop staring at the beautiful chubby woman in the supermarket. It’s for those of you who always thought informercials got the “before” and “after” pictures in the wrong order. For those who always wished they’d been the chubby boy or fat girl; or those who still aspire to be the fat man or the obese woman. For those who thought they were completely alone until they discovered Fantasy Feeder or the weight gain section of Dimensions. This is a site for doctors, lawyers, waiters, students, executives, dog-walkers, filmmakers and everyone in between. And it's for men and women of every size—from skinny to plump to massively huge. But ultimately, this site is for anyone who feels they belong here. Welcome home.

The Site

Feabie is a social network and online community. We've blended the best of both worlds—allowing users to connect with their friends and the community at large and also seek out the people they like for romances, fun or friendships. Feabie was designed with the needs of the heterosexual feederism community in mind, though it remains open to all people of all orientations. Our primary mission is to help men and women who are into feederism to connect, build community and form relationships.

If you are a gay or bisexual man, you may want to explore our brother site, Grommr.

The Name

The name Feabie is pronounced like the woman’s name “Phoebe”. So you might be wondering, who is Feabie? Well Feabie isn’t a person, so much as an idea. We wanted to convey that this site is a home for both feeders/feedees and their FA/BHM/BBW family. So we took the “fee” sound from “feeder” and the “bee” sound from “BBW/BHM”—and we got Feabie! It’s a name that has a subtle meaning for this community, but it's also a name that you could feel comfortable saying out loud in a bar or having your roommate (or partner) see in the browser history without knowing exactly what it meant. Having shared computers at one time or another in our lives, that's something that resonated with the Feabie team.

Premium Costs

In order to be self-sustaining, Feabie offers a paid premium option known as Feabie XL. By paying a small monthly fee, premium members have access to special features, unlimited photo viewing and uploading and unlimited e-note use. But it's also important to the Feabie team that non-paying members can actively engage in the site as well. That's why regular members still have access to basic features (including updating their profiles, posting wall and photo comments, private messaging and more) and are able to view a limited number of photos each day.

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